Watsonville ADU Standards

Prefab ADU in Watsonville

What is an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)?

An ADU is an independent residential unit on the same lot as a primary home, providing additional living space, rental opportunities, or multi-generational housing. A prefab ADU is a permanent, factory-built backyard home that meets local zoning and building codes, making it ideal for long-term living.

Tiny homes, often confused with prefab ADUs, are small, mobile units built on wheels. While both can be considered ADUs, prefab ADUs are stationary and built to last, whereas tiny homes face more zoning challenges due to their mobility.

Planning to Build an ADU in Watsonville?

With the implementation of ADU regulations, Watsonville has seen a rise in accessory dwelling unit construction. If you’re planning to build an ADU in Watsonville, LiveLarge is here to guide you through key development requirements for a smooth and successful project.

Types of ADUs

  • Detached: A new structure built separate from the primary home.
  • Attached: A new unit built as an addition to the primary home.

Zoning and Lot Size

  • R-1 District: One (1) ADU and one (1) Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit (JADU) are permitted.
  • R-1P District: One (1) ADU and one (1) JADU are also permitted.
  • RM-2/RM-3 Districts:
    • Property owners may convert up to 25% of non-livable space from an existing structure into an ADU or construct up to two (2) new detached ADUs.
    • If a single-family dwelling exists on the lot at the time of application, one (1) ADU and one (1) JADU are also permitted.

Size and Floor Area

  • Attached ADU: Up to 1,200 sq. ft., depending on lot size (max 50% of primary home or 850 sq. ft., whichever is less).
  • Detached ADU: Up to 1,200 sq. ft., based on lot size.
  • JADU: Max 500 sq. ft.

Setbacks & Height

  • Attached ADU: 4 ft. (interior side/rear), 10 ft. (exterior side), 28 ft. height.
  • Detached ADU & JADU: Additional 5 ft. from alleyway, 20 ft. front setback. Detached ADU height: 28 ft. | JADU height: 16 ft.


One parking space per unit or bedroom (whichever is less).

No extra parking required if:

  • Within ½ mile of public transit.
  • In a historic district.
  • On-street permits are required but unavailable.
  • A car share vehicle is within one block.

Contact Information

For more details, contact the Watsonville Planning Division at (831) 768-3050 or cdd@cityofwatsonville.org

Why Choose LiveLarge Prefab ADUs?

LiveLarge Prefab ADUs are designed to meet Watsonville’s detached ADU regulations, offering a hassle-free way to maximize property value. With pre-approved designs and expert guidance, we ensure a smooth approval process.

Let LiveLarge be your trusted partner in your ADU journey in Watsonville! With our expertise in design, construction, and pre-approved plans, we ensure your project aligns with local standards and maximizes your property’s potential. Contact us today to start your ADU project!

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